Keynote speakers

Prof. Francesco Baino

Prof. Francesco Baino

Politecnico di Torino-Italy


Short Biography

Francesco Baino is an Associate Professor of Materials Science and Technology in the Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino, Italy. He received his M.S. in Biomedical Engineering (summa cum laude) in 2006 and his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Technology in 2010, both from Politecnico di Torino. His current research interests include biomaterials and tissue engineering with special focus on bioceramics and bioactive glasses, as well as processing and testing of advanced ceramics. He is member of the American Ceramic Society. Dr. Baino is Section Editor-in-Chief of Materials (MDPI), as well as Associate Editor of the International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology (Wiley) and Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Dr. Baino has published more than 230 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters with an H-index of 46, and is author of 3 patents. According to a scientometric study published in PLOS Biology in 2021, Dr. Baino is among the 2% top-cited scientists in the world.

Prof. Silvia Farè

Prof. Silvia Farè

Politecnico di Milano-Italy


Short Biography

Silvia Farè obtained her Master of Science degree in Management and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, in July 1994. In May 1998, she obtained her PhD degree in Biomaterials (X^ cycle), Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis on the investigation of the mechanisms related to the in vitro oxidative degradation of medical-grade polyurethanes. Silvia Farè obtained a Post-doc research Fellowship (1998 –1999) within the project “Third generation artificial heart” and she was Research Assistant from 1999 to 2003, at the Bioengineering Department, Politecnico di Milano. From 2005 to 2014, she was Assistant Professor at the Bioengineering Department (2005-2012), and at the Department of Chemistry, Materials, and Chemical Engineering “G. Natta” (2013-2014), Politecnico di Milano. From December 2014 to March 2021, she was Associate Professor in Industrial Bioengineering at the Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano. Starting from April 2021 she is Full Professor at the Department of Chemistry, Materials, and Chemical Engineering “G. Natta”, Politecnico di Milano.

From February 1993 to February 1996, she was visiting Master and PhD student at the Joint Research Centre, Institute for Advanced Materials, Ispra (VA), Italy. From March 1996 to September 1996 and from January 1997 to March 1997, she was visiting PhD student at the University of Laval and Quebec Biomaterials Institute, Quebec, Canada under the supervision of Gaetan Laroche and Diego Mantovani.

She was Member of National and International Congress Committee. From 2012 she is Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Functional Materials (JAB-FM) Sage Ed.

In 2005 she was elected as member of the Council of the Italian Society for Biomaterials (SIB), in charge as treasurer, and now she is in charge as President. From 2017 she is one of the members of the Council of the European Society for Biomaterials.

From 2001 and up to the current academic year Silvia Farè has been in charge of different courses in biomaterials and regenerative medicine fields at Master and Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

Silvia Farè is author and co-authors of one hundred international and national scientific publications related to materials science, in particular to biomaterial and regenerative medicine fields.

Prof. Thomas J. Webster

Prof. Thomas J. Webster

Hebei University of Technology and Interstellar Therapeutics-USA


Short Biography

Thomas J. Webster’s (H index: 117; Google Scholar) degrees are in chemical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh (B.S., 1995; USA) and in biomedical engineering from RPI (Ph.D., 2000; USA). He has served as a professor at Purdue (2000-2005), Brown (2005-2012), and Northeastern (2012-2021; serving as Chemical Engineering Department Chair from 2012 – 2019) Universities and has formed over a dozen companies who have numerous FDA approved medical products currently improving human health.  He is currently helping those companies and serves as a professor at Hebei University of Technology, Saveetha University, Vellore Institute of Technology, UFPI, and others.  Dr. Webster has numerous awards including: 2020, World Top 2% Scientist by Citations (PLOS); 2020, SCOPUS Highly Cited Research (Top 1% Materials Science and Mixed Fields); 2021, Clarivate Top 0.1% Most Influential Researchers (Pharmacology and Toxicology); 2022, Best Materials Science Scientist by Citations (; and is a fellow of over 8 societies.  Prof. Webster is a former President of the U.S. Society For Biomaterials and has over 1,350 publications to his credit with over 53,000 citations. He was recently nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2023).

Prof. Mario Monzon

Prof. Mario Monzon

Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria-Spain

Short Biography

Mario D. Monzón is a doctor in industrial Engineer and University full professor in the Mechanical engineering department of University of Las Palmas G.C.. 3 six years research periods and 1 six years research transfer period certified by the Spanish CENAI. Coordinator of the research group of Integrated and Advanced Manufacturing which main fields are: Polymer processing, additive manufacturing, composite materials with natural fibres and biopolymers applied to tissue engineering. Member of ISO TC261 and CEN TC438 for standardization of Additive Manufacturing, where He is the convenor of the ISO TC261 JWG 11 “Additive Manufacturing for Plastics”. Participation in 41 national and European projects (30 as main researcher). 18 research and transfer contracts with companies. 79 scientific publications (46 JCR, 6 SJR, 21 in indexed journals and 6 book chapters).72 proceedings in conferences (2 as plenary conference speaker and 3 conferences as member of the organizer committee), supervisor of 8 doctoral thesis, 7 national patents and 1 international. Co-Editor of the book Additive Manufacturing – Developments in Training and Education (Springer). Member of the editorial board of the journal Bio-design and Manufacturing (Springer) and Springer Handbook of Additive Manufacturing. Coordinator of the PhD program of Chemical, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in ULPGC. Coordinator of the master degree of Advanced Industrial Technologies in ULPGC. He was a founder, together other members, of the Spanish Association of Rapid Manufacturing in 2005 (formed by technological centres, companies and universities). President of the International Conference Materials & Nanomaterials (Paris, July 2019). Different research stays in: Polymer Processing Research Centre (Queen’s University of Belfast, UK), University Collegue London (UK), Xi’an university (China), having several papers in collaboration with such research centres in the field of polymer Processing and Tissue Engineering/biofabrication.

Prof. Vicentiu Saceleanu

Prof. Vicentiu Saceleanu

University of Sibiu Lucian Blaga-Romania


Short Biography

Dr. Vicentiu Saceleanu was born in 1968 in Sibiu – Romania, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy  „Iuliu Hațieganu„ Cluj-Napoca, Romania in 1994, received  his Ph.D. from Lucian Blaga University (Sibiu-2011) and since 2011 he is the head of the Neurosurgical Department (County Hospital – Sibiu). Since 2000 he is a member of the Romanian Society of Neurosurgery, AOS International,  Medical College of Sibiu and since 2016 he became a member of the Romanian Society of Biomaterials.  He was a Associate Professor at Lucian Blaga University and since 2017 he joined the University of Sibiu as a full Professor, directing the Neurosurgical Department. In 2011 dr. Saceleanu founded the Neurosurgical Circle from Sibiu with 50 active students, participating in over 15 international and national congresses and coordinated over 20 presentations. Dr. Saceleanu is the author of 3 neurosurgical  books, coauthor in 2 books and he published 194 articles in national and international journals.


  • Participation in numerous congresses and courses of Continuing Medical Education in Neurosurgery starting from 1995; participation in the national and international conferences as chairman and speaker: Romanian-German Courses of Neuro-traumatology; Sibiu Medical Days Conference, Chairman at Sibiu Medical Days 2011, 2013; International Seminar Paulo Freire “For a pedagy of the dialogue”; Stroke Conferences with international participation and symposia of Neurology and Psychiatry, Neurophysiology Electrodiagnostic Conference, Congresses and conferences on Neuroprotection and Neuroplasticity, Neurooncology Conference, Symposium “Il metodo Feuerstein”, National Symposium of corticosteroids, the Conferences of the Society of Surgery;
  • Participation to specialized courses in the field of neurosurgery: Skull Base Surgery Course; Bucharest; Vertebroplasty course Bucharest;
  • Participation to international course Hands on: ”Microsurgical and Endovascular Technoques”, decembrie 2018, Salzburg; 
  • Local coordinator of the International Grant: Comparison of Cerebrolysin and Standard Treatment;
  • Coordinator of project Brain Revealed: Innovative Technologies in Neurosurgery Study –
  • 2018-1-RO01-KA203-049317, 01.09.2018 – 31.08.2021;
  • Patent: cranial implant with osseointegration stryctyres and functional coatings, international exhibition of scientific research, innovation and invention, 2018.


  • Editor of the book of Clinical Neurosurgery, 2014 ;
  • 3 specialty book in Romanian language, 2014, 1 specialty book in English language, 2014,
  • 194 articles.


  • Professional training of residents (Neurology, Surgery, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, Forensic Medicine), since 2011 till present;
  • Founder and coordinator of the Neurosurgery Circle, LBUS, 2013, 
  • Development of Syllabus and course description of Neurosurgery discipline within the II Department of V. Papilian Faculty of Medicine Sibiu;
  • Local organizer of 2 Neurosurgery Conferences, 2002, 2009 and one Conference of Neuro-rehabilitation at Ocna Sibiului, 2007;
  • Organiser of Sibiu Medical Days, 2014;
  • MAIN organizer of the Conference: “Treatment options and methods of rehabilitation in stroke and spinal pathology “, Sibiu, 2014, December 5.
  • Member of the Scientific Commission of the County Clinical Emergency Hospital Sibiu, decision of Sibiu County Council no. 111/23.01.2015.
  • Local main coordinator at the International Grant: Comparison of Cerebrolysin and Standard Treatment Evaluating the Neuroprotective and Neurorehabilitation Outcome in a Randomized, Double –Blind, Controlled Trial on Efficacy and Safety in Patients with Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.2014, no.3455/27.02.2014
  • Development of the research plan for the Neurosurgery discipline for the years 2012-2014 & 2014-2020 “V. Papilian” Faculty of Medicine Sibiu;
  • Member of the Research Group of Ocular Surface, since 2014;
  • Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 45th edition of the Congress of the Romanian Society of Neurosurgery, Sibiu, October 2019;
  • manager of the interntional project on Erasmsus Programme – Brain Revealed: Innovative Technologies in Neurosurgery Study –  Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu;
Prof. Giuseppe Barillaro

Prof. Giuseppe Barillaro

Institute/affiliation: University of Pisa

Short Biography

Thomas J. Webster’s (H index: 117; Google Scholar) degrees are in chemical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh (B.S., 1995; USA) and in biomedical engineering from RPI (Ph.D., 2000; USA). He has served as a professor at Purdue (2000-2005), Brown (2005-2012), and Northeastern (2012-2021; serving as Chemical Engineering Department Chair from 2012 – 2019) Universities and has formed over a dozen companies who have numerous FDA approved medical products currently improving human health.  He is currently helping those companies and serves as a professor at Hebei University of Technology, Saveetha University, Vellore Institute of Technology, UFPI, and others.  Dr. Webster has numerous awards including: 2020, World Top 2% Scientist by Citations (PLOS); 2020, SCOPUS Highly Cited Research (Top 1% Materials Science and Mixed Fields); 2021, Clarivate Top 0.1% Most Influential Researchers (Pharmacology and Toxicology); 2022, Best Materials Science Scientist by Citations (; and is a fellow of over 8 societies.  Prof. Webster is a former President of the U.S. Society For Biomaterials and has over 1,350 publications to his credit with over 53,000 citations. He was recently nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2023).

Prof.ssa Livia Visai

Prof.ssa Livia Visai

University of Pavia-Italy


Short Biography

Associate Professor in Biochemistry at the Department of Molecular Medicine (DMM), Faculty of Medcine, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Associate Professor at Scientific Clinical Institutes (ICS) Maugeri, Società Benefit Spa, IRCCS, Pavia, Italy
ISTEC-CNR Associate position, Faenza, Italy
Type A Researcher at INSTM, Firenze, Italy

At the beginning of her academic career, LV dealt with the biochemical and immunological characterization of bacterial adhesins and their interactions with extracellular matrix macromolecules. Later his research also expanded to the characterization of biomaterials/nanosystems with anti-infective properties. For about 15 years She has been involved in tissue engineering/reparative medicine of bone tissue, using different types of biomaterials (metallic or porous polymeric), bioreactors and human osteoblasts, human adult mesenchymal stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells. Recently, her research field is more focused on the applications of nanotechnology in medicine:

  • i) on the assessment of nanoparticles effect on bone tissue remodeling using the Random Positioning Machine (RPM) and the International Space Station (ISS) as a countermeasure for the treatment of osteoporosis;
  • ii) on infections treatment by selection and biochemical characterization of human single chain Fragment variable (scFv) against bacterial adhesins and also in the preparation of 3D artificial substrates for microbiome growth;
  • iii) on the development and biological characterization of nanosystems for delivery of anticancer drugs in particular on breast cancer teratment.

She also obtained various national funding from ministerial agencies (PRIN and FIRB), from banking foundations (Cariplo, BRE and San Paolo), from European bilateral projects, and from ASI (Missione Futura, NATO project, 2015) and ASI-ESA (Bone on ISS, 2021). Since 2020 She is also Co-founder and Co-Advisor  of the Start-up Bac3Gel
She has more than 198 peer review articles in PubMed.

Nanotecnologie: interazioni cellule e biomateriali (NCBI)

Prof. Iulian Antoniac

Prof. Iulian Antoniac

University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania


Short Biography

Iulian Antoniac obtained his M.E., Ph.D. and Postdoc degrees in Materials Science at University Politehnica of Bucharest. Since 2002, he has been associated with the Medical Engineering program in the Faculty Materials Science and Engineering, University Politehnica of Bucharest, which is focused on biomaterials obtaining and characterization, medical image processing and the development of new implants for medical applications.

Professor Iulian Antoniac is the leader of the Biomaterials Group, head of the Biomaterials & Interface Phenomenon Laboratory, full professor at Faculty Materials Science and Engineering. He was appointed Vice Dean of Faculty Materials Science and Engineering and member of the Senate of University Politehnica of Bucharest starting from 2016. Professor Iulian Antoniac has published widely, with over 220 papers published in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings with more than 2000 citations (h index 26), more than 10 patents, several books (like Handbook of Bioceramics and Biocomposites) and many invited lectures at conferences focused on biomaterials, bioceramics and materials science. He is Editor in Chief for the journal Materials Science Forum, editorial board member for other journals and reviewer for more than 50 journals. In 2005, he received the Daniel Bunea Award from the Romanian Society for Biomaterials. Also, he receives many awards for their patents at various international fairs and exhibitions dedicated to patents. He is currently President of the Romanian Society for Biomaterials (SRB), Former President and permanent Member of Executive Committee of the International Society for Ceramics in Medicine (ISCM).

Professor Iulian Antoniac research interests include: metallic biomaterials and bioceramics for orthopedic and dental applications, bioceramic coatings, biocomposites, biopolymers, retrieval analysis of explants, microscopy techniques for materials characterization, bone regeneration, physical and chemical characterization of nano- and micro- particles for biomedical application.

Present areas of research work: biodegradable metallic biomaterials, surface modification, interaction tissue-biomaterials, bioceramics, biocomposites, biointerfaces, tissue engineering, bone regeneration, retrieval and failure analysis of orthopedic and dental implants.

Prof. Rainer Gadow

Prof. Rainer Gadow

University of Stuttgart - Germany

Short Biography

Rainer Gadow is currently full professor and chair, manufacturing engineering with advanced materials, at University of Stuttgart, Germany.
His current research interests are about
Materials engineering and product development
Processing and Manufacturing of ceramic components
Processing and manufacturing of nano structured materials and components
High energetic surface technologies
Biomaterials and biomedical technologies
Technology of composite materials
Total quality management in industrial manufacturing     and management

He is author of more than 500 international papers, books, monographies
and 70 patents